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The Battle of Trafalgar

21st October 1805

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Regarded as one of Britain’s most important military victories.

The Royal Navy, under the leadership of Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson, achieved a remarkable victory over the combined French and Spanish fleets - despite being outnumbered - without suffering the loss of a single ship. Tragically, Nelson sustained fatal injuries and died on board HMS Victory shortly before the conclusion of the battle. Trafalgar Day commemorates not only the triumph of Nelson and his forces but also serves as a tribute to the enduring legacy of Nelson himself.


The Trafalgar Night Dinner - Steeped in Tradition

The Trafalgar Night Dinner is longstanding tradition originating in the early 19th century. On 21st of October, each year, the commissioned officers of the Royal Navy commemorate the triumph at the Battle of Trafalgar by hosting a Trafalgar Night dinner in the Officers' Mess. Additionally, branches of The Royal Society of St. George aim hold their Dinners on this date where possible.

The Dinner itself is traditionally English, followed by Port and Stilton. Port is always passed to the left (with the left hand) and the bottle or decanter should not touch the table again, once lifted, until it is empty.

If the decanter stops before you or needs a refill, one should avoid reaching across the table or requesting the port to be passed. Instead, follow the custom by asking the person closest to the decanter, "Do you know the Bishop of Norwich?" This curious table etiquette stems from a former Bishop of Norwich who had a habit of falling asleep at dinners, causing the decanter to end up in front of him, much to the frustration of other diners.

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Trafalgar Night in Malaysia

'Red Sea Rig'

The traditional dress for gentlemen when attending our dinner in Kuala lumpur is 'Red Sea Rig', comprising of black tie attire, with jacket removed, with a red bow tie and red cummerbund. Cocktail attire for ladies.

The Red Sea rig, conceived in the nineteenth century within the Royal Navy, diverged from the standard uniform protocol observed by Royal Navy officers, akin to their counterparts in the British Army. While officers were typically required to don full formal attire regardless of weather conditions during official engagements, an exception was made for the Red Sea region due to its intense heat and humidity. In this specific area, officers were permitted to remove their jackets within the wardroom, provided they retained a semblance of formality by wearing a cummerbund.

Men's Shirt Pant Tuxedo With Red Bow,Belt  Formal Fashion Style Wedding Party  Elegant and

Due to its clear practicality, the Red Sea rig was initially embraced by British diplomats in Jeddah on the Red Sea, and later by the local British Business Group. This attire is now commonly worn by various military and civilian groups and is frequently chosen as the preferred dress code for dinner gatherings within British expatriate communities in the Middle East and Far East.

Trafalgar Night 2023 photos

The President of the Royal Society of St George acts as the President of The Mess and Past Presidents say grace and offer toasts to The Agong, His Majesty The King, England, St. George and recite Nelson’s Prayer. The distinguished guest, usually a member of the Defence team at the High Commission, will make a speech and proposes a toast to the “immortal memory of Admiral Lord Nelson” to mark the sacrifice he made during the battle.

red sea rig
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